ParM  parm
A molecular dynamics library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CArrayA fixed size array
 CAtomThe basic class for representing each particle
 CAtomGroupGroup of atoms, such as all of them (AtomVec), or a smaller group such as a molecule, sidebranch, etc
 CAtomIDA pointer to an Atom, that also knows its own index in an AtomVec
 CAtomIterFor iterating through an AtomGroup
 CAtomRefA pointer to an Atom
 CAtomVecThe main class for representing particles
 CBivariateGaussA class for generating two random numbers from a Gaussian distribution, with a given correlation
 CBoxThe virtual interface for the shape of the space and its boundaries
 CCollectionCDCollision-Driven Dynamics
 CCollectionCDBDCollision-Driven Brownian-Dynamics
 CCollectionCDBDgridCollision-Driven Brownian-Dynamics
 CCollectionDampedA damped Collection, equivalent to CollectionSol but without the random forces
 CCollectionSolA Collection with a "solvent", using the Langevin equation
 CEpsSigExpDragAtomRepulsion potential with drag, with ε = √(ε₁ ε₂) and σ = (σ₁ + σ₂)/2 Potential is V(r) = ε/n (1 - r/σ)^n, with n = 5/2 usually cutoff at r = σ drag is f = -γv in the normal direction
 CGridA fast algorithm for finding all pairs of neighboring atoms
 CGridIteratorFor iterating over all possible pairs
 CGridPairedIteratorFor iterating over all pairs of a single Atom
 CInfiniteBoxAn infinite Box, for use with, e.g., sticky conglomerations or proteins
 CInteractionThe basic Interaction class, used to represent a potential function
 CJammingTreeA class for determining if two packings are the same
 CLeesEdwardsBoxLees-Edwards boundary conditions, with shear in the x-direction, relative to y
 CLennardJonesCutPairTruncated and shifted Lennard-Jones, in the form \(V(r) = \epsilon \left(\frac{\sigma^6}{r^6} - 1\right)^2\)
 CLJRepulsePairRepulsive LJ: \(V(r) = \epsilon \left(\frac{\sigma^6}{r^6} - 1\right)^2\)
 CMatrixA 3x3 matrix, with methods for adding, subtracting, dot product, etc
 CNeighborListMaintains a Verlet list of "neighbors": molecules within a 'skin radius' of each other
 CNumVectorAn N-dimensional physics vector, extending NVector
 CNVectorAn N-dimensional vector, extending addition and subtraction from the type T to the NVector class
 COriginBoxA rectilinear Box, with periodic boundary conditions
 CPairListA mapping of Atom -> [list of Atom], used by NeighborList to keep track of what atoms are near what other atoms
 CRepulsionPairRepulsion potential, with ε = √(ε₁ ε₂) and σ = (σ₁ + σ₂)/2 Potential is V(r) = ε/n (1 - r/σ)^n, with n = 5/2 usually cutoff at r = σ
 CRigidConstraintA class that enforces rigid-body dynamics
 CSCBoxA spheocylinder box, also known as a capsule
 CStateTrackerThe general interface for a "tracker", a class that needs to be called every timestep
 CStaticCollecA "static" Collection, that doesn't move
 CVector2A 2D physics vector, with methods for adding, subtracting, dot product, etc
 CVector3A 3D physics vector, with methods for adding, subtracting, dot product, etc