| CollectionSolHT (sptr< Box > box, sptr< AtomGroup > atoms, const flt dt, const flt damping, const flt desired_temperature, vector< sptr< Interaction > > interactions=vector< sptr< Interaction > >(), vector< sptr< StateTracker > > trackers=vector< sptr< StateTracker > >(), vector< sptr< Constraint > > constraints=vector< sptr< Constraint > >()) |
void | change_temperature (const flt newdt, const flt damp, const flt desired_temperature) |
void | timestep () |
| Take one step forward in time. More...
| Collection (sptr< Box > box, sptr< AtomGroup > atoms, vector< sptr< Interaction > > interactions=vector< sptr< Interaction > >(), vector< sptr< StateTracker > > trackers=vector< sptr< StateTracker > >(), vector< sptr< Constraint > > constraints=vector< sptr< Constraint > >(), bool should_initialize=true) |
virtual void | initialize () |
virtual void | set_forces (bool constraints_and_a=true) |
| Set forces. More...
flt | degrees_of_freedom () |
| Total degrees of freedom. More...
flt | potential_energy () |
flt | energy () |
| Total energy, including both potential and kinetic_energy. More...
virtual flt | temp (bool minuscomv=true) |
virtual flt | kinetic_energy () |
virtual flt | virial () |
virtual flt | pressure () |
| Returns (1/d V) Σ ri dot fi where d is number of dimensions note that Interaction->pressure just returns Σ ri dot fi. More...
sptr< Box > | get_box () |
Vec | com () |
Vec | com_velocity () |
Vec | angular_momentum (const Vec &loc) |
| Shortcut to AtomGroup method of the same name. More...
Vec | angular_momentum () |
| Shortcut to AtomGroup method of the same name. More...
flt | gyradius () |
virtual | ~Collection () |
void | reset_com_velocity () |
| Shortcut to AtomGroup method of the same name. More...
void | reset_L () |
| Shortcut to AtomGroup method of the same name. More...
void | scale_velocities (flt scaleby) |
| Scale all velocities by a factor. More...
void | scale_velocities_to_temp (flt T, bool minuscomv=true) |
| Scale all velocities to get to a specific temperature. More...
void | scale_velocities_to_energy (flt E) |
| Scale all velocities to get to a specific total energy. More...
void | add_interaction (sptr< Interaction > inter) |
void | add_tracker (sptr< StateTracker > track) |
void | add_constraint (sptr< Constraint > c) |
void | add (sptr< Interaction > a) |
void | add (sptr< StateTracker > a) |
void | add (sptr< Constraint > a) |
vector< sptr< Interaction > > | get_interactions () |
for use in solution, with damped forces and random forces.
This uses the same physics as CollectionSol
, but a different algorithm from Honeycutt and Thirumalai.
Note that the Honeycutt and Thirumalai algorithm is flawed, and this fixes it to some degree.
Treats Atom.f as the "configurational force", and Atom.a as the acceleration due to Atom.f + random force. Note that d²r/dt² = Atom.f + random force (- damping*v), but we don't include that.
1) find positions: (x0,v0,a0,f0) -> (x, v, a, f) sets Atom.x from previous force, velocity, and position x = x0 + dt v0 + 1/2 dt^2 a0 - damping*dt²/2m * v0 2) intermediate v: (v0,f0) -> (v1, f0) v1 = damped(v0) + dt/2 f0/m where damped(vo) = v0*(1-h*damping/2m + (h*damping/m)²/4) 3) set_forces(): (x, f0) -> (x,f) reset and set the forces f = grad(V(x)) 4) Acceleration: (f, a0) -> (f, a1) a1 = f/m + gaussian set acceleration given the forces, adding in random pieces, no damping 5) Finish v and a: (v1, f, a1) -> (v, f, a) v = v1 + dt/2 a1