ParM  parm
A molecular dynamics library

Collision-Driven Brownian-Dynamics

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "vecrand.hpp"
#include "interaction.hpp"
#include "collection.hpp"
using namespace std;
// Some constants
// Note that "flt" is a "floating point number", defaults to "double"
// but can be compiled as "long double" if needed
//const flt phi = 0.27;
const flt sigma = 1.0;
//const flt dt0 = 0.0001;
//const flt dt1 = 1.0;
// uint is just short for unsigned int
//const uint Natoms = 24;
// for the "relaxing" stage
const flt epsilon = 1.0;
const flt sigcut = 1.0;
// for the hard-sphere run
const flt T = 1.0;
//const flt dt = 0.02; // time between velocity reshuffling
//const flt tottime = 200000; // total number of steps to run
//const flt sizeratio = 2.0;
// Data parameters
const flt nMSDs = 400; // this is the goal; duplicates removed, so it will be less
// Other parameters
const uint printn = 100;
// Function for writing a frame to an open file (see below)
void writefile(ofstream& outf, AtomVec& atoms, Box& bx);
// Function for writing box size / atomsize to file (see below)
void writetcl(const char *fname, OriginBox& box, vector<flt> &atomsizes);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
int c;
flt phi=.40;
flt sizeratio=2.0;
flt dt=0.02;
int Natoms=40;
int tottime=2000000;
string outname = "";
opterr = 0;
while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "n:f:s:d:t:o:")) != -1) switch (c){
case 'n': //Number of particles
Natoms = (int) atol(optarg);
case 'f': //Phi -Packing fraction
phi = atof(optarg);
case 's': //Size ratio of large particle to small particle
sizeratio = atof(optarg);
case 'd': //dt of integration of simulation
dt = (flt) atof(optarg);
case 't': // total time of simulation
tottime = (int) atof(optarg);
case 'o':
outname = optarg;
abort ();
//~ srand ( time(NULL) );
//~ srand(10000);
ofstream myfile;;
cout << "Running..." << endl;
string xyzname=outname.substr(0,outname.size()-4)+".xyz";
string tclname=outname.substr(0,outname.size()-4)+".tcl";
// new random seed each time, for velocities and placement
vector<flt> atomsizes(Natoms, sigma);
atomsizes[0] = sigma * sizeratio;
vector<flt> atommasses(Natoms, 1);
atommasses[0] = pow(sizeratio, NDIM); // NDIM is "number of dimensions" (i.e., 3)
flt Vs = 0;
for(uint i=0; i<atomsizes.size(); ++i){
Vs += pow(atomsizes[i], NDIM) * M_PI / 2 / NDIM;
flt L = pow(Vs/phi, OVERNDIM); // OVERNDIM is "1/number of dimensions" (i.e., 1.0/3.0)
assert(L > (atomsizes[0] + atomsizes[1]));
// if the box is not wider than two atoms, this algorithm will have trouble
cout << "phi " << (Vs/pow(L,NDIM)) << "\n";
// Create the bounding box (sides of length L), and a "vector" of Natoms atoms
boost::shared_ptr<OriginBox> obox(new OriginBox(L));
boost::shared_ptr<Box> boxptr = boost::static_pointer_cast<Box>(obox);
boost::shared_ptr<AtomVec> atomptr(new AtomVec(atommasses));
boost::shared_ptr<AtomGroup> group(atomptr);
AtomVec & atoms = *atomptr;
// The relaxing stage
// Repulsion Interaction, for the relaxing stage
//(new NeighborList(obox, sigcut*sigma, 1.4*(sigcut*sigma)));
boost::shared_ptr<NListed<EpsSigExpAtom, RepulsionPair> > hertz(
boxptr, atomptr, 0.4*(sigcut*sigma)
boost::shared_ptr<NeighborList> nl = hertz->neighbor_list();
// ^ this is the Interaction
// A Repulsion Interaction has energy
// Uij = {1/2.5 * |sigma_ij - r_ij|^2.5 r_ij < sigma_ij
// 0 r_ij >= sigma_ij
// Note that NListed is a class template; its an Interaction that
// takes various structs as template parameters, and turns them into
// a neighbor Interaction
// See interaction.hpp for a whole bunch of them
// Also note that the NeighborList is not the same as the
// "neighborlisted" Interaction; multiple interactions can use the
// same NeighborList
// Now we run through all the atoms, set their positions / velocities,
// and add them to the hertzian Interaction (i.e., to the neighbor list)
for (uint i=0; i < atoms.size(); i++){
// we track energy to see if things are overlapping
atoms[i].x = obox->rand_loc(); // random location in the box
atoms[i].v = Vec::Zero();
atoms[i].f = Vec::Zero();
atoms[i].a = Vec::Zero();
flt cursigma = sigma;
if(i==0) (cursigma = sigma*sizeratio);
// Add it to the potential
hertz->add(EpsSigExpAtom(atoms.get_id(i), epsilon, cursigma, sigcut));
// force an update the NeighborList, just to make sure
//Now we make our "Collection"
CollectionOverdamped collec0 = CollectionOverdamped(boxptr, atomptr, 1e-3);
// CollectionOverdamped uses "overdamped" dynamics, meaning that
// dx/dt = γ f
// here we use γ = 1, because it doesn't matter
// Note that this Collection always goes down the potential energy gradient
// This is very important! Otherwise the NeighborList won't update!
// And add the Interaction
// subtract off center of mass velocity, and set a total energy
// Potential energy per Atom
int swtch = 0; //Switch to help terminate simulations of unattainable packing fractions
flt U = collec0.potential_energy()/Natoms;
flt U1 = U; //U at prior timestep
flt U0 = U; //Initial potential energy
cout << "Energy0: " << U << "\n";
// note that U is > 0 if any atoms overlap, and U = 0 when no atoms overlap
// so we run
while(swtch == 0){
if (U==0){
else if (U<=U0){
for(uint i=0; i<1000; ++i) collec0.timestep();
U = collec0.potential_energy()/Natoms;
cout << "Energy: " << U << "\n";
else if (U>.99*U1){
cout << "Energyf: " << U << "\n";
if (U==0){
// The equilibration stage
// This is the Brownian motion, hard-sphere collider
CollectionCDBDgrid collec = CollectionCDBDgrid(obox, atomptr, dt, T, atomsizes);
cout << "Equilibrating... \n";
for(uint i=0; i<printn; ++i){
for(uint j=0; j<(tottime/printn); ++j) collec.timestep();
cout << (printn-i) << ", " << std::flush;
cout << "Done.\n";
// The data stage
// Now we need to make the RsqTracker (which tracks r squared vs. time)
// we need to tell it which Δts to track, so we do that here.
// Note that a set is a Collection that is sorted and removes duplicates,
// so that's why we start with a set.
// So
set<uint> nset;
// Log-spaced Δts
flt maxlog = log(tottime);
for(uint n=0; n<nMSDs; n++){
flt newlog = (maxlog * n) / (nMSDs-1);
uint newn = (uint) ceil(exp(newlog));
if(newn <= 0) newn = 1;
if(newn > (uint)tottime) newn = tottime;
vector<long unsigned int> MSDns(nset.begin(), nset.end());
cout << "Using " << MSDns.size() << " MSDns, [" << MSDns.front() << "-" << MSDns.back() << "]\n";
boost::shared_ptr<RsqTracker> rsqtracker(new RsqTracker(atomptr, MSDns));
boost::shared_ptr<StateTracker> rsqptr = boost::static_pointer_cast<StateTracker>(rsqtracker);
// VMD is good for 3D visualization purposes, and it can read .xyz files
// see 'writefile' function
ofstream xyzfile;, ios::out);
writefile(xyzfile, atoms, *obox);
writetcl(tclname.c_str(), *obox, atomsizes); // see below
// unnecessary extra
// Now we really start running
cout << "Running... \n";
for(uint i=0; i<printn; ++i){
for(uint j=0; j<(tottime/printn); ++j) collec.timestep();
cout << (printn-i) << ", " << std::flush;
writefile(xyzfile, atoms, *obox);
cout << "Done, saving MSDs\n";
// Save the MSDs to a file
ofstream msdfile;, ios::out);
// Retrieve the time-averaged r^2 values for each Atom for each Δt
vector<Eigen::Matrix<flt, Eigen::Dynamic, NDIM> > MSDmeans = rsqtracker->xyz2();
// This will be a tab-separated file, with the first column being
// Δt in time units (not timesteps),
// second column <r(t) - r(t-Δt)>² for the large particle
// in units of the small particle diameters,
// third column <r(t) - r(t-Δt)>² for the first small particle,
// 4th column <r(t) - r(t-Δt)>² for the second small particle, etc.
for(uint i=0; i<MSDns.size(); i++){
msdfile << (((flt) MSDns[i]) * dt);
for(uint j=0; j<MSDmeans[i].rows(); j++){
Vec v = MSDmeans[i].row(j);
msdfile << '\t' << (v[0] + v[1] + v[2]);
msdfile << "\n";
// Now you should be able to run "vmd -e hardspheres-pbc.tcl"
// and it will show you the movie and also the bounding box
// if you have .vmdrc in that same directory, you should also be able
// to toggle the box with the "b" button
cout << "Done." << endl;
return 0;
void writetcl(const char *fname, OriginBox& box, vector<flt> &atomsizes){
// Unnecessary extra:
// Write a "tcl" file with the box boundaries and the Atom sizes
// the "tcl" file is made specifically for VMD
ofstream pbcfile;, ios::out);
// large Atom size
pbcfile << "set natoms [atomselect 0 \"name O\";];\n";
pbcfile << "$natoms set radius " << (atomsizes[0]/2.0) << ";\n";
// small Atom size
pbcfile << "set natoms [atomselect 0 \"name C\";];\n";
pbcfile << "$natoms set radius " << (atomsizes[1]/2.0) << ";\n\n";
pbcfile << "set cell [pbc set {";
for(uint j=0; j<NDIM; j++){
pbcfile << box.box_shape()[j] << " ";
pbcfile << "} -all];\n";
pbcfile << "pbc box -toggle -center origin -color red;\n";
// Now you should be able to run "vmd -e hardspheres-pbc.tcl"
// and it will show you the movie and also the bounding box
// if you have .vmdrc in that same directory, you should also be able
// to toggle the box with the "b" button
void writefile(ofstream& outf, AtomVec& atoms, Box& bx){
// The .xyz format is simple:
// Line 1: [Number of atoms]
// Line 2: [Comment line, whatever you want, left blank here]
// Line 3: [element type, here C for carbon]\t[x]\t[y]\t[z]
// Line 4: [element type, here C for carbon]\t[x]\t[y]\t[z]
// ...
// Line N+1: [element type, here C for carbon]\t[x]\t[y]\t[z]
// Line N+2: [element type, here C for carbon]\t[x]\t[y]\t[z]
// Line N+3: [Number of atoms]
// Line N+4: [Comment line, whatever you want, left blank here]
// Line N+5: [element type, here C for carbon]\t[x]\t[y]\t[z]
// ...
// And so on. each set of N atoms/coordinates corresponds to a "frame",
// which then make a movie. There must be the same N in each frame for VMD.
// Note that if this is compiled as a 2D simulation, it will leave out
// the z coordinate, and VMD can't handle that.
outf << atoms.size() << endl;
outf << endl; // blank line for comment
for(uint i=0; i<atoms.size(); i++){
if(i == 0){outf << "O";}
else{outf << "C";};
Vec normloc = bx.diff(Vec::Zero(), atoms[i].x);
for(uint j=0; j<NDIM; j++){
outf << "\t" << normloc[j];
outf << endl;